Saturday, June 13, 2009

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Friday, June 12, 2009

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Kennington Oval, London (neutral venue)
13 June 2009

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Importance Of Tire Pressure In Mountain Bikes

Tire pressure is a very important facet of riding any kind of bike, including mountain bikes. By learning how to set the tire pressure, you can give yourself more control and help to make the ride down the mountain smoother. If the tire pressure is too low, then you will find that it is much harder to cycle and it can increase the chance of a flat, too. Tire pressure that is too high can make your ride very bumpy and out of control, as well.

Tire pressure can vary from person to person, because it is dependent upon the personal preference of the bicycler, the tire’s condition, and the terrain that you will be riding on. The tire pressure can be easily modified simply by using a high quality pump on the tires. A tire pressure gauge is also an essential part of keeping your tires at the optimum pressure.

The manufacturer of the tire will have a recommended tire pressure for your particular tires and this is where you can start. You can then adjust the tire pressure as needed from there. It is best to use the same tire pressure gauge and pump when you check your tires, because you may get different readings depending upon the tire pressure gauge that you choose.

A good rule of thumb is to start with a higher tire pressure for your bike. This means that you want to be around 40-50 psi (3-3.5 bar), and then lower the tire pressure a little at a time to find which tire pressure is best for your particular bike, terrain, and yourself. If you are a little heavier, then you will want to use a higher tire pressure for sure.

Taking a test bike ride is the best way to check the tire pressure. You will want to notice how the tire behaves, how it rides on the terrain, how it slides down the mountain, and how it hooks in the corners. If you have too much tire pressure, then drop it in increments of 5 psi in both tires. If the bike gains grip and is more stable at this tire pressure, then you will want to keep it at this standard pressure. If not, then you will continue dropping the tire pressure in small increments and redoing the test until your bike rides the way you want and need it to.

If you want to determine the lowest possible tire pressure, then gradually decrease the tire pressure until you see how it feels when you ride on almost flat tires. This will help you to learn how it feels so that you can keep your tubes from getting damaged.

If your mountain bike tires are tubeless, then you will want to stay with a lower tire pressure. The advised tire pressure for tubeless tires is between 30 and 40 psi. This is because tubeless tires experience fewer pinch flats and even rim contact occasionally is okay. This is why you can ride on tires with a much lower tire pressure than normal. If the tire pressure is too low, you will find that if you are cornering hard that the tire will roll under the rim.

Another thing that you need to be on the lookout for is rolling resistance. The increased rolling resistance will take more effort, but it will offer you greater control and better traction to allow you to climb easier. For racers who race cross-country, they would rather have a more efficient bike versus greater control, so you have to take into consideration what kind of biking that you will be doing.

Using your hand to squeeze the tire will help you determine what the right tire pressure feels like so that you do not have to rely so much on the tire pressure gauge.

Learn How to Improve Your Golf Game - 5 Easy Tips

For people who are into playing golf, nothing matters more for them than to have a better score when playing the game. This is because most golfers usually take their gratification in the scores that they make.Therefore, for people who want to increase their playing skill, here are some tips that they can use to improve their gaming performance.

1. Pump up before the game starts

Every golfer must first learn the things they have to do before they play the game. The problem with most players is that they tend to think that since golf is not a very strenuous sport like basketball, they don’t have to do any warm up exercises.

This should not be the case because golfers need to warm up and stretch those muscles before they start making double bogeys.

2. Swinging is a perfect exercise

In golf, the most pressured and the most exerted part of the body are the hands. Hence, it is important to exercise them before playing the game.

Swinging can effectively warm up any stressed or rigid muscle in the hand. It’s best to keep on practicing swinging. Experts say that almost 50% of a golfer’s ability is based on swinging.

3. Consider the size of the club

In order to play the best golf game, it is important for a player to choose the right golf club that he or she will use. The first to consider when choosing a golf club is its length. The length should be proportionate and suitable to the player so that he or she will be comfortable when playing.

4. Familiarize the six parts of golf swings

In order to play best in golf, it is important for a player to familiarize himself or herself on the six parts of the golf swing technique. The six parts of the swing are the proper alignment of the golf club; proper setup of the golfer’s posture and position; back swing; “take-away”; impact; and the “follow-through”.

5. Know the course

A good golfer should know his or her terrain. Hence, it is important for a golfer to note the so-called “trouble areas”. This is where some imminent problems are present like a sloping part of the fairway or hanging branch of a tree.

These are just some of the basic tips that one could use in playing golf. However, the most important thing a golfer should remember is to keep his or her body healthy before the competition. It’s where they generate their power for that beautiful back swing.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Interesting Facts About swimming: Ways to Keep Afloat!

Swimming has become one of the most popular sports, hobbies, and leisure activities that people have enjoyed for the past centuries. People of all ages and across countries have learned to appreciate and love this activity --- because it�s not only fun, but also a healthy activity. For the past centuries and until now, so many things have contributed to the popularity of this sport, but this time, let�s take a trip down trivia corner to learn stuff and facts about swimming. It would be fun to get to know swimming, so prepare your thinking caps and let�s see if you would be able to guess and answer some of these basic facts about swimming. Well, swimming has started way back in the 1st century, although it was only in 1896 that it has become a sport in the Olympics. When you think about it, how did man ever learn how to swim, what triggered human�s instinct to swim? It�s believed that it�s through man�s basic survival instinct --- a person fell into the water and panicked, thinking only to survive and live, he used his hands and legs to stay afloat and �dog paddled� his way to land. But even in the ancient times, thousands of centuries ago, there were already traces found that Egyptians were familiar with swimming through hieroglyphics --- pictures and symbols for swimming were discovered. One of the interesting facts about swimming is its strokes; do you know which swimming stroke is the oldest type? Freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, or butterfly? If you said �breaststroke�, then you are right, this is believed to be the oldest type of swimming stroke. Also, when you really observe swimming competitions, you would have noticed the swimmers attire, there�s one intriguing fact about swimming that most people wouldn�t really bother thinking --- the swimming caps and swimming suits --- why do they have to wear skin tight suits, and is there a need to cover the hair or head? Actually, with a shorter hair, there�s a more chance for you to swim faster because it will only trigger less friction, so with the swimming cap (because of its material, and no hair friction), it�s likely that it will add more speed to your swim than without wearing one. The same thing with the skin-tight swimsuits, it must hug the body to make it a �part� of your body, so it won�t drag and slow you down. And a minor trivia yet important one is --- peanuts, because of its composition, is a good source of energy to give you more stamina and strength in swimming. It�s really good knowing simple facts about swimming, it doesn�t only add information to your head, but it�s fun learning about these things. So, next time you go swimming --- whether it�s for competition, pleasure, or survival, remember those swimming basics, it may just help you win the race or keep you alive.

Tips For Mountain Biking Safety

We all know that there are a lot of ways that we can follow in order to be safe when mountain biking. It is especially true to always wear your helmet every time you do this. But I guess the most important thing that people should always bear in mind is to have control over all situations. This will really help you if you practice self-control.

You will really have an edge if you've got control over all circumstances and events. Otherwise you will only cause unsafe atmosphere to those who are on the same trail as you. If you are in control on the other hand, you will improve safety maneuvers and tricks not only for yourself but also for those who are around you.

As we well may know, mountain biking has attached dangers to it. Despite knowing this fact, we always want to push our limits whatever they may be. However to be hones and true there is only a thin red line between pushing the limits in a safe manner and pushing the limits too far without any thought of all consequences. Here we will know how to improve a safe environment for all mountain bikers.

Have your gears ready: There are many types of equipment you need to ready before going out your way to mountain bike. An example of such equipment would be your helmet most importantly. This will help you a lot to stay safe. You have to remember: Never Go Mountain biking without any helmet on.

Know where your abilities lie: You don't go mountain biking without knowing your abilities clearly. You have to define what you can and what you cannot do. You don't just go out there blindly like it's some kind of kid's game for you. In order to be safe, you need to know when to stop when you really need to.

Manage your speed: You don't need full speed to show and impress people that you are an excellent rider. You only need to show them that in your own chosen speed you can do what you can do. Fast speed is not something to be proud of especially when it brings you more danger than it should.

Knowledge of the trail: You need to be familiar of your trail. This will make things a lot easier for you and for those people around you. Otherwise you should not try pulling something you are not really familiar with.

Beware of blind curves: When you go mountain biking, it is important that you be aware that there are blind curves and if you are just going to dash into it, you might just bump into dangerous unknown. You need to be nothing less than prepared for that.

Presence of mind on the trail: You've got to get your head clear and focused on what you are supposed to do. You should have presence of mind in everything you do. You stop, look and listen when you are on the trail.

In closing, no one really knows what you can do except yourself. And I think that no one knows better when to be safe more than you do. However just an advice, if you think you are so great and can do anything you like to do then this may be where you are wrong.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Watch live telecast of t20 match india vs bangladesh

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Top Five Reasons to be a Miami Dolphins Fan

Being a Miami Dolphins fan comes with its fair share of heartache, with the team inconsistent these past few years. But, the same can be said about being a fan of any team (right, teams coached by Marty Schottenheimer?). Some years you win, some years you lose, and some years you relocate so you can root for a different organization.

Nonetheless, being a Dolphins fan is still fun (and let’s face it, TD is kind of cute). The following is the Top Five Reasons to be a Miami Dolphins Fan, even when you can’t believe that you are.

5. The Hope: The Miami Dolphins might not be a team you put all of your money on at the beginning of the year, but they constantly have something other teams lack: potential. This isn’t to say that some teams in the league are guaranteed to be victorious while others are sure to be horrible, but oftentimes this pattern does happen (sorry, Oakland). Miami, however, is never in either category: the Dolphins always have a chance at a successful season and thus, you Dolphins’ fans always have one of the most important things of all: hope.

4. The Bragging: Sure, it was over thirty years ago, but the Miami Dolphins are still the only team in the history of the NFL to have an undefeated season. No one can ever take that away from you….well, not until the record is broken. For the time being, the 1972 Dolphins hold the honor of greatest team to have ever played. Tell others to stick that fact in their blow hole.

3. The Weather: The balmy Florida weather, without a need for bowls of chili or knitted winter hats and scarves, might not exactly scream “autumn sports,” but as someone who once got frostbite on her foot during a six degree Denver Bronco game and eventually lost a toenail, the weather during Miami Dolphins’ football can save you from pain, even if it doesn’t save you from spending money on toenail polish. Watching a game in 80 degree weather is much more fun than watching one in pouring rain, blowing snow, or a combination of both.

2. The Owner: Filled with ambition, Wayne Huizenga was ranked number 153 on Forbes list of richest Americans in 2006. You don’t get ranked on anything Forbes without being a brilliant businessman. But, as good of a businessman as he is, he’s even a better owner: in 2006 he was ranked by Sports Illustrated’s Mike Silver as the 4th best owner; in 2007, he was ranked 8th. The reasons are simple: he’s smart, he’s hard working, and he’s not afraid to spend money. He’s also said to be something a lot of people in sports are not: a gentleman. As long as he holds the reigns of the Miami Dolphins, fans are in good fins.

1. The Town: Miami is all about atmosphere. From culture to music, from food to drinks, this is one place that rivals New York for the title of city that never sleeps…or at least shouldn’t sleep. For these reasons, there are few better places to go after a game than a Miami club. There are few places better to watch a game (if you couldn’t get tickets) than a Miami sports bar. And, there are few things better to eat after the final score than Miami cuisine. The bright lights of Miami are enough to make you feel good, even when the Dolphins don’t.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Places to Stay in Vancouver for 2010 Olympics

Choosing a place to stay during Vancouver 2010 Olympics might be a challenge, but in Vancouver there is a perfect spot for everybody. So you’ve made the decision to be in the Best Place on Earth at the best time possible. Then, my friend, welcome to Vancouver during 2010 Olympics!

No one would argue that Vancouver is beautiful and everyone can find their own home here. But how do you find that unique place, which would be just right and personal for you in such a diverse and large city? How about finding that perfect place if you’ve never been to Vancouver before?

I was in your shoes not so long ago, and during last few years I’ve walked (and biked, and rollerbladed – you name it …) the streets of Vancouver from East to West, North to South and never stopped wondering “Is there a more beautiful place to live in?” So if you are trying to figure out which part of the city to stay at during 2010 Olympics, here are few things you should consider before deciding on a location:

1. How important is the proximity to the Olympic Venues? And if being close to the Olympic venue is a priority for you, which competition are you planning to attend?

2. How will you get around? Will you be renting a car? Or will you be taking public transportation (which is, frankly speaking, quite good, compared to other North American cities)? Vancouver offers not only buses and trolleybuses, but it also features a fully automated Skytrain and scenic rides on Seabus. To learn more about public transit options available in Vancouver and the area, to get maps, schedules or simply to plan your trips within Vancouver check Translink website.

3. How important is a neighborhood for you? Would you enjoy lively and glittery downtown or would you rather keep yourself warm near a fireplace in a secluded home?

4. What about your neighbors? Or do you want any? Obviously, a stay at a hotel comes with a certain package of neighbors, behind not so sound proof walls… But what about having a house of your own for a few days? If you are one of those people that like feeling at home even when they travel, there are several websites that offer private rentals ranging from a room in a house to multi-bedroom mansions for rent in Vancouver area during 2010 Olympics.

The most important and the hardest decision you will most likely need to make from the start, is to choose between staying in Vancouver area or Whistler. For some this will be based on the interest in particular Olympic sports, for some it will depend on transportation and accommodation. Just to give you an overall idea, Whistler is located approximately 130 km (80 miles) from Vancouver. Drive on the “Sea-to-Sky” highway is very picturesque, however, might seem a bit challenging for those not used to windy roads. With normal road conditions it would take about two hours to travel between Vancouver and Whistler. However, here comes the big question: how long will it take to get to Whistler during 2010 Olympics? Since there is only one road from Vancouver to Whistler, I wouldn’t dare to give any estimates at all.

If your accommodation for 2010 Olympics is purely based on proximity to the location of the competition, you want to be in Whistler for: Bobsleigh, Luge, Skeleton, Alpine Skiing, Alpine Skiing (Paralympic), Biathlon, Biathlon (Paralympic), Cross Country Skiing, Cross Country Skiing (Paralympic), Nordic Combined, Ski Jumping.

Since most of the Olympic venues are located in the city of Vancouver itself, I will slice and dice it for you to give you the gist of each little area.

Unlike most North American downtowns, Vancouver is very livable and one of the most densely populated. To set your expectations right about living in downtown Vancouver, be prepared for 24/7 city life. Yes, downtown Vancouver is crowded during the day – office workers, businessmen, tourists, shoppers. By 6 pm most offices are closed, but the crowd does not disappear. Why? Because more than 45,000 people actually live in downtown. And what would that number be come February 2010? Any guesses?

Downtown itself embraces a number of distinct neighborhoods. Every Vancouverite could proudly point you to Coal Harbour , Yaletown, Gastown, West End, or Chinatown . Then there are few more Downtown communities that aren’t necessarily on tip of everyone’s tongue, although still worth considering: False Creek, Triangle West, Downtown South, Bayshore Gardens.

Yaletown . Many Vancouverites would proudly tell you a story about the transformation of an ugly warehouse district into one of the trendiest neighborhoods to live in. Although many would sigh at the end, regretting they missed out their chance to buy a property here few years ago, when it was still affordable. Today Yaletown is definitely one of the most expensive areas in Vancouver. Loft style residencies, fashionable restaurants and nightclubs, designer shops, and trendy offices… What not to like about such a chic lifestyle? Live, work, rest and play in one cool place. And the best part is - you are just few blocks away from 2010 Olympic Opening and Closing ceremonies, nightly victory ceremonies and the medal presentations at B.C. Place Stadium, and right next to major hockey venue – General Motors Place. If you get lucky enough and find an accommodation with the view facing south, you would not only get an amazing harbour view, but also see the Olympic Village across the water. Yaletown is bound by Nelson, Homer, Drake and Pacific streets.

Coal Harbour – Yet another topnotch downtown living spot. Very much like Yeletown, this neighborhood is tastefully designed to accommodate both prestigious living as well as retail and office space. The big advantage of choosing an accommodation in Coal Harbour is the magnificent view of the North Shore Mountains and Stanley Park. Coal Harbour stretches from Canada Place to Cardero S treet along the Burrard Inlet shore were you can take a nice stroll and enjoy a spectacular Vancouver scene: sail-like glass buildings, million-dollar yachts, and magnificent mountains. I love Vancouver!

Gastown – Vancouver birthplace. If you feel like staying in the heritage part of the city, Gastown could be one of your choices. Although I would warn you to be very careful in choosing an accommodation in that part of the city, as it borders very closely with not so popular “ East Hastings ” area. Hard to tell just yet whether anything will change in 2010, but for now I would stay away from East Hastings.

Clearly distinct Chinatown, located on Pender Street between Carrall and Columbia Streets, was once the largest Chinatown in Canada, and the second largest in North America. Nowadays Chinatown is a designated historic district.  It creates a very interesting perspective: two worlds blending in together – centuries old Chinese culture with its unique recessed balconies, decorative parapets and cornices and on the other side Vancouver high-tech green-glass architecture. I do enjoy checking out Chinese medicine stores here and all the different gift shops.

Downtown South is an area between Robson Street and Pacific Boulevard, east of the West End. Two major retail strips – Granville Street and Davie Street are very fun to visit. Davie Street is easily recognized by abundance of rainbow flags on each and every corner. According to wiki “ It is the home of the city’s gay subculture, and, as such, is often considered a gay village or ‘ gaybourhood’. “ Overall, downtown south is a nice urban living area with a vibrant day and night life perfectly located close to the Oceanside.

If you would like to escape the hectic Downtown life, but still be in the centre of all events I would recommend looking for accommodation in one of Vancouver West communities (Kitsilano, False Creek, Point Grey, Arbutus, Shaugnessy, etc). Just across the bridge from Downtown Vancouver, these lovely neighborhoods offer variety of lifestyles from dynamic year-round 4 th Avenue or the biggest public market in North America on Granville Island to relaxing atmosphere for a personal escape at Jerico beach and many charming parks along the ocean side.

My personal favorite, and probably the most popular area here is Kitsilano. No wonder, since it was ranked the second most recognized community in Canada. This neighborhood uniquely embraces vibrant city life offering myriad of coffee shops, countless restaurants and clubs together with quiet “out-there-in-the-nature” living with endless stretches of beaches and stunning mountain and city views. It is extremely easy to get to and from here as there several major bus routes along the 4 th Avenue and Burrard Street which will take you Downtown in just a few minutes. For more active souls there are many bike routes as well as beautiful trails and sidewalks leading to any part of the city. Kitsilano stretches from the ocean side to 16 th Avenue north to south and from Burrards Street to Alma Street east to west.

Fairview stretches west to east from Burrard Street to Cambie Street and from 6 th Avenue to 16 th Avenue. Mostly high density housing offers good nesting opportunities for YUPies. Although not as green as some other parts of the city, Fairview streets are nicely planted and decorated for cozy living. Just a short walk away is seawall, leading to Kitsilano beaches going west, or Olympic Village going east. Granville Island is right there for your enjoyment. Always fresh produce, specialty items, yummy deserts and of course coffee, art galleries, restaurants, you name it … It’s truly a must see tourist spot in Vancouver. Plus you could try out an alternate type of transportation here: Aquabus to several locations in Downtown. Also, busses and trolleys run every few minutes to any direction.

Wishing for secluded paradise? Wish no further – go Point Grey. You are probably already tired of me saying “best views”, “spectacular Oceanside living”… Oh well, that’s how it is in Vancouver – very hard to choose between amazing and the most amazing places to live… But seriously, perfectly nested on the north facing slope, Point Grey residencies get the best of the best views in all of Vancouver. Just imagining that million-dollar view gives me shivers. Add to that three times the average “park space per person” of any area in the lower mainland, plus multi million-dollar residences, proximity to the beaches and easy access to downtown. Vancouver, Eh? I would think, going for a retreat here would definitely be a supreme experience. But careful what you wish for, as prices here bite quite a bit.

Live large, live with prestige… and that’s in the city? Yes, if you can afford it. Shaughnessy is the place to be, if you are into heritage style residencies designed by city’s top architects, large lots with swimming pools, and neighboring with Hollywood movie stars. Although still very close to Downtown and being in the center of the city of Vancouver, Shaugnessy is amazingly different. Even the streets here aren’t the regular grid: windy and circled, uphill and downhill, gorgeous hundred-year-old trees on the side, elegant gardening creations boasting in front of magnificent residences. If you ever wish to get back to real life, Granville or Oak streets are minutes away for shopping, restaurants or transportation.

To get more information on private rentals for 2010 Olympics in Vancouver visit You will find how much local home owners are charging for private accommodations during Vancouver 2010 Olympics and what type of rental accommodations are available. You can list your property for 2010 Olympics or rent one if you wish.

Golf Swing Basics

Golf swing basics are the fundamental steps to enjoying this every expanding sport. Learning the basic simple techniques that professional golfers use gets you off on the right foot to becoming a professional golfer yourself. Unfortunately many avid golfers often avoid golf swing basics which in the long run only complicates the learning process. The golf swing is one of the most important steps. Now I am not talking about just hitting a ball down the fairway a few hundred yards. But actually comprehending, doing and practicing all the elements that make up a successful swing. Observing professional golfers one can come to the conclusion that because they seem to swing with such ease, this is some skill you are born with. Nothing can be further from the truth. Every golfer, amateur or professional, started with learning the basics and practicing for hours at a time. You can do this to. 4 Important Golf Swing Basics Here are 4 areas where amateur and professional golfers should be learning from. 1. Club Handle Grip Your grip determines greatly how the ball will fly for you. A light grip can, under most circumstances, slice your shot. Where to tight of a grip almost always hooks your shot. Finding middle ground on this will take some practice but when you find this “sweet spot” you will remember it from then on. 2. Teeing Off In Your Mind Next after your grip comes teeing off. Here is where focus comes into play. Ever noticed during golf tournaments how focused the players seem to be? They have learned to block out every distraction, including the crowd, and concentrate exactly where they want the ball to fly to. The best way to do this is take a few seconds before you hit the ball and mentally see the ball go where you desire. I like to call it a motion picture in my head of what I really want. This technique is more powerful than you can imagine, take the time to use it. 3. Backswing and Downswing Fundamentals There seems to be a lot of confusion for players concerning an understanding of backswing and downswing. Simply put the downswing is designed to create club momentum at the ball. This is accomplished with your arms swinging in one full motion. Resist the desire to do this with your hands or wrists. The concept of the backswing has different mechanics than the downswing. The backswing should be slower than the downswing but just as powerful. Always keep in mind your downswing should be 25 to 35% faster than your backswing. Once again this is brought out in practicing your swing. 4. It’s All In The Motion During the backswings motion your left shoulder and hips need to be in correct alignment as your weight is transfered to the right. Of course for left handers this is exactly the opposite. Practicing this will eventually make this a natural movement for you. Also remember to place your hands at waist level for proper execution of this move. Remember learning golf swing basics from the start is how to enjoy this wonderful sport for years to come. With proper techniques and practice comes having better golf games played by yourself and with friends. Isn’t that one of the best reasons to learn to play right from the beginning?

Sports Massage-An Effective Treatment

Massage has many therapeutic benefits. Most medical professionals recommend massage to assuage the pain and prevent serious illnesses. The reputation of massage as one of the best holistic remedies reached not only the medical field but also sports. Enrolling at Massage Envy- Brandon has many benefits and should be included in your health regimen. You don’t need to worry about your busy schedule because there are other branches that you can visit aside from Massage Envy-Brandon.

Being an athlete is a pretty tough job. Complete work out and preparation for an athletic event does not only include exercise but also implementation of various measures to prevent injuries. Improperly treated sports related injuries will harm the performance of the athlete. Prevent injury by visiting Massage Envy-Brandon regularly and excel in any sports endeavor that you’re in! Some people who are working out and are into sports might feel the tightening of their muscles and loss of flexibility. Get revitalized and relax those cramped muscles with a good sports massage at Massage Envy-Brandon!

There are therapeutic effects of sports massage. Aside from helping the body to recover from injuries, sports massage also improves blood circulation, detoxifies the body, enhances the oxygen and nutrition absorption and promotes relaxation. Do you know that exercising is not enough to keep yourself in shape? During exercise and metabolism, our bodies produce toxins—metabolic acids. Examples of these metabolic wastes are lactic and uric acid. If these toxic wastes build up, it will cause serious illness. Regular massage can help our body to detoxify and flush out harmful build ups.

Have a sports massage at Massage Envy-Brandon before the game event and achieve total performance! Including Massage Envy- Brandon in your maintenance program is a wise decision because you will be assured that experts will take care of you. Our experienced therapists here at Massage Envy-Brandon can give you the type of massage that your body needs.

Do you know that one of the best way to condition yourself before the game is to get a massage? It is preferable that you should have sports massage treatments at Massage Envy-Brandon four hours before the athletic event to promote optimal performance. It will act as a supplement to warm-up exercises. The major muscles to be used will be massaged to prevent injuries. Aside from injury prevention, it will also improve your mental state and flexibility.

Whenever you do tough activities your muscles are pushed to the limit. After a work-out or game event feel free to visit Massage Envy-Brandon to unwind and relieve tired and aching muscles. If you were an athlete or engaged in tough sports you should get a sports massage after the game as well. Experienced therapists at Massage Envy-Brandon are familiar with the muscle groups that should be massaged to achieve peak performance.

Athletes are not the only people who can take advantage of the soothing and revitalizing sports massage at Massage Envy-Brandon. If you are a regular individual who just happen to indulge in sports from time to time, you can also try it. Athletes are not the only people who are prone to injuries but also those doing strenuous activities frequently. If you fall under one of these categories, you should consider having a membership at Massage Envy- Brandon.

Excel in any sports you are into! Strengthen those muscles and achieve peak performance. Feel free to relax and enjoy life! With Massage Envy-Brandon, you can never go wrong.

Finding a Suitable Lady Swimwear

Selecting an appropriate swimwear is not an easy task indeed. A suitable swimwear should not only help you to swim comfortably but also should make you look beautiful. Unfortunately, many women often are not able to buy swimwear that suits them with both the right levels of comfort as well as appearance. It is probably due to lack of care while selecting it or lack of awareness on how to select it.

Selecting a Suitable Swimwear
The following few tips can be helpful in selecting a suitable swimsuit that complies with your comfort levels as well as appearance.

Choose in line with the style:
Not everyone follow identical style of swimming. Similarly not every swimwear matches all the styles of swimming. Choosing a suitable swimwear with respect to the swimming style provides you the ease and comfort of unhampered swimming. Extending this selection constraint to the personal style, will obviously give you a gorgeous look in the swimsuit.

Quality is another important aspect to consider while selecting a suitable swimwear. As it is dealing with the comfort as well as the appearance, it is never affordable to yield away to low quality swimsuits. Often low quality swimwear appears a bit cheaper, but they may not reach the style and ease of a high quality swimwear.

Shop online:
Many women find it uncomfortable to shop offline for swimwear. Perhaps it is their dislike towards explaining their requirements to the sales people or it could be anything. As a result, they end up in purchasing wrong piece of swimwear. Online shopping is a better solution for this. Online shopping not only provides the ease of buying from home, but also brings you more alternatives for selection and convenience to help in finding the right swimwear.

Check your coverage:
Wearing a swimwear has some issues with unnecessary exposure of some parts of body. However, this is an issue only when the swimwear is bought without considering its coverage. Swimwear nowadays is available in different models, sizes, and types. All that is required to do is just to get a swimwear with appropriate coverage and camouflage.

Many women consider cost as the primary factor while buying swimwear. Swimwear is one of such items, where cost should not be given a higher priority. Since swimwear is dealing with both comfort and facade, concerning more about swimwear cost has maximum chances of reducing the pleasure of swimming.

A suitable swimwear is neither the one complying with your style of swimming alone with nerdy appearance, nor the one just making you look gorgeous with an uncomfortable swimming experience. It should comprise of both the appearance and beauty. Such a pleasant swimwear can still be bought at affordable prices with a competent retailer.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Most handsome Indian cricketers

All the reviews in this category are based on a player’s talent, but since I do not have too much knowledge of cricket I am giving you a girl’s perspective. What we basically like are the good
looking cricketers. So here is the list of five most handsome current Indian cricketers.

1. Zaheer Khan
If looks could kill, Zaheer would have murdered innumerable girls & batsman by now. Aggressive, slightly unshaved and with a good built he is the dream boy of many Indian girls. The way he stares at the batsmen after bowling a good ball can send chill down their spines.

2. Yuvraj Singh
A “Punjab Da Puttar” he is the perfect male model for Fair and Lovely cream. Heartthrob of many girls this guy is extremely stylish and has a great personality. Tall, handsome and powerful he is just the kind of boyfriend most girls crave for.

3. Irfan Pathan
Innocent looks, expressive eyes, childish smile and curly locks make Irfan handsome in a different way. Still looks like a schoolboy. Fresh as a lotus, he is the latest addition in the list of hot cricketers and also the new model for the various companies.

4. Rahul Dravid
He is the old wine among all these new young guns, but still getting better with the age. He is handsome in the classical context and broke the hearts of many girls the day he got married. His down to earth behaviour makes him even more adorable.

5. Ajit Agarkar
Cute cute cute. That’s the word that comes to my mind when I think of him. Not very muscular he has a very athletic and fit body. Doesn’t smile that often there is a kind of calmness on his face which doesn’t go away that easily.

Playing the leg glance tips

The leg glance is where the batsmen 'flicks' the ball from the stumps or the off-side, onto the leg side of the field. This shot is hard to play but with practice, it can become quite an easy shot to play. This shot isn't a powerful shot; however it is used as a run scoring shot. Generally the shot is used to turn the strike over, getting the singles. But it can also be used to score boundaries or two's as well. There are two ways to play the leg glance. You can either play it from the front foot or the back foot.

The front foot leg glance is played like a drive. This is usually played when the ball is pitched up reasonably full, hitting on the half volley. The other alternative is playing a back foot leg glance. This shot is played from the back foot, on or just slightly behind the crease.

The first step to playing a leg glance is to position the body behind the ball. For a full pitch ball, you stride out towards the pitch of the ball, like you would to play a drive. The head and the weight should be over the front leg, with eyes carefully watching the ball. For a short pitched delivery, the feet should step back and across the off-stump. The body should be positioned right behind the line of the ball. The head should be behind the line of the ball with eyes watching the ball, all the way onto the bat.

The front foot leg glance is played similar to a drive. The bat swings through facing the line of the ball. It is important to keep a high elbow through-out the shot. The ball should be played directly under the eyes. The batsmen's grip should have a strong top hand, with a relaxed bottom hand. The difference is when the ball strikes the cricket bat. Upon impact of the cricket ball, the bat needs to turn so that the angle once impacted on the bat is towards the leg side. This is achieved by flicking or rolling the wrists over.

The back foot leg glance is played like a back foot block shot, with the body positioned behind the ball. The difference is upon impact; the bat needs to be angled towards the leg side. This is done by the same way the front foot leg glance is played, with the wrists flicking or rolling over.

The front foot drive is more of a run scoring shot, where as the back foot leg glance is used to turn the strike over, picking up singles. These shots use the pace off the bowler's delivery, rather than creating power yourself.


* Practice
* Position body behind the ball
* Play the ball late
* Watch the ball all the way onto the bat
* Roll or flick the wrist over upon impact, angling the bat face towards the leg side.

Playing Square Cut Shot tips

The cut shot is an attacking cricket shot which is designed as a boundary hitting shot. The square cut cricket shot is played when the bowler bowls a short ball, wide of off-stump. This is a power hitting shot as a full swing is made with the bat striking the cricket ball on a horizontal angle. This shot can be broken into separate segments. These include………

* Footwork (positioning)
* Impact
* Follow-through

Footwork (positioning):

The positioning of the body is the key to a successful cut shot. The first movement of the cut shot is the back foot moves across the off-stump. The bat is taken back above the back shoulder. Most of the body weight should be on the back foot. The head should be kept still, creating balance in the shot.


The strike of the cricket ball should be made with a downward blow, with the arms at full extension. This will generate power, making the cut shot a run scoring shot. As impact is being made with the cricket ball, the wrists should roll slightly. This, with the downward strike of the cricket ball will keep it along the ground, taking away the chance of being caught. Keeping a still head will maintain balance through-out the shot.


The bat should follow through over the front shoulder. The head should remain still, with the weight still on the back foot. This will enable the batsmen to remain balanced, producing a well timed, powerful cut shot.


* Move the back foot back and across off-stump, with bat over back shoulder
* Keep the head still
* Downward strike, with arms at full extension
* Bat follows through over front shoulder

Friday, May 29, 2009

Every indian is crazy for cricket

Cricket is the game of passion and enthusiasm; almost every country participates in cricket; be it as a team or as a viewer every country has developed taste for cricket. In fact, it the charm of cricket which made it so popular all over the world; as a result popularity of cricket is increasing by leaps and bounces and tournaments like world cup and T-20 are getting incredible response. India is one of the most admired participant team in world cricket; Indian cricket has its own flavor in world cricket since legendry players like Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly and Sunil Gavaskar are there to make it more wonderful.

Indian cricket is the great combination of national and regional cricket teams. Each state in India has its own regional cricket team and all these teams participate in many tournaments like Ranji Trophy and Duleep Trophy. The best players from these regional cricket teams move forward and get opportunity to prove themselves at international level. Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is the biggest cricket authority for India; it bear the responsibility of selection of national team and also undertake all other decisions regarding sponsorship and role determination of every player in national cricket team. Apart from BCCI, each state has its own cricket board that conducts and control state level teams and also prepares good players for future responsibilities. No doubt, that these state level cricket authorities play a vital role in deciding future of national team; in fact our team has now get many young and energetic players like Dhoni, Harbhajan Singh and Pathan with the effort of these state level authorities only.

Indian cricket team got approval as test team in 1932 that was a subject of great honor for every Indian; in the same year, the team played its first test cricket match against England at Lords and really proved their potential as a good test team. After that day Indian players never looked behind and went the on track of making and breaking records. In order to that, India won the cricket world cup in 1983 and T-20 world cup few months back this year. India got its first test victory against England at Madras in 1952; afterward the same year, the team won first Test series, which was against Pakistan. That was really an indescribable experience for entire nation and after their starting victories the team improved their game throughout the decade.

In 1971 the arrival of one day international cricket shaped a new dimension in the cricket world; initially India was not very much strong in ODIs, that caused consecutive loss of matches therefore, they did not manage to qualify for the second round in the first two cricket world cups. However, every Indian cricket fan knows that there is nothing that can stop the team from getting what it deserves; perhaps, it is their heartily wishes and support that made Indian team the world cup winner in 1983 and gave all Indians a reason to celebrate cricket.

Summary: Certainly, Indian cricket has everything that is needed to be the number one team of world and it is for sure that India will again get the honor of being the world cup winner.

Passion For Cricket

A common bond that can unite many people even with diverse views and beliefs is a passion for the game of cricket. In many countries like India, the game is more of a religion with the players assuming the role of idols. The outcome of a match can drastically turn around the way the fans view the cricketers, a win placing them on the pedestals while a loss can instigate extreme anger and disappointment in the players. Another important behaviour of the fans is their immense involvement in the game and the players and often the bond exists much beyond the field. A player’s personal life, performance on the field, statistics and records all matter significantly to an individual who has tremendous interest in the game.

Cricket has gone much beyond being just a gentleman’s game and has achieved much fan following and popularity around the world. Many new forms and format of the game like the twenty-20 have made an appearance and changed any form of boredom that might have been setting it. As new players emerge on the scene, the statistics and records undergo a massive transition and cricket fans are keen to keep a track of all these changes. One of the best ways to keep track and be updated about your favorite game and players is through the internet. It is the new medium of following the game of cricket with much greater consistency. Many internet sites, specifically devoted to the game are a storehouse of information and a great source of collecting data and knickknacks for the fans.

The online cricket related sites are one of the best ways through which you can keep track of a live match, as the scores are constantly updated on the site. Even if you are traveling and are far removed from the television and the computer, even then you can get live updates from these sites on your mobile phone. This ensures that a true cricket enthusiast is never far away from his passion and can follow a live match accurately. The sites are also the perfect location to gather all information and data about the cricketers and acquaint oneself with their statistics and records. The sites are also the best place to view photo galleries of the players’ photographs and even download your favorite ones.

So if you are truly a cricket fan, you can not only update yourself about the game through the internet but you can also enjoy cricketing stories and news, photographs and information through these sites. Also, the discussion forums on these sites are a big attraction for those interested in the game. Here you can air your views and get the opinions from fellow enthusiasts and learn much more about the game through interactive participation. So if cricket is your religion and the players are your idols then you are not alone, there are millions of fans across the world who shares your passion for the game in equal measure.

Summary:- If you are a true cricket fan then perhaps you should explore the cricket related websites that are a storehouse of information on this game.

Strategy For the 3 Point Shot in basketball

t the outset a coach must determine how much emphasis he will place on the 3-point shot. There are many extremes used in college basketball and a coach must consider his own personal coaching philosophy and the type of player he has before deciding what emphasis he will place on the shot. Will players be encouraged to take a lot of 3-pointers or will the emphasis still be on the inside-out game? The emphasis that will be placed on the 3-point shot will depend a great deal on the quality of 3-point shooters on the team. Obviously, a team with several good 3-point shooters will place more emphasis on the shot than a team with few 3-point shooters.

Some interesting statistics regarding the 3-point shot:

As a coach analyzes how much he will shoot the 3-point shot, he should keep the following statistic in mind: 33% SHOOTING FROM 3-POINT RANGE IS THE SAME AS 50%

Another statistic that is important involves offensive rebounding. The 3-point shot increases a team's opportunities for the offensive rebound simply because the 3-point shot attempt tends to rebound longer than 2-point attempts. This can result in deceiving statistics as far as shooting percentage is concerned.

When will the 3-point shot be taken?

Will the shot be taken on the fast-break? Will the shot be taken early in the set offense, or will it be taken after working the ball in an effort to get it inside? Will special plays be run to get the 3-point shot or will the shot be taken only from a team's normal set offense?
A very important decision is whether or not the shot will be taken on the fast-break. Will players be allowed to take the 3-pointer when they outnumber the defense on a fast-break?
These decisions must be made by the Head Coach and conveyed clearly to the team. Any player attempting the 3-point shot must feel comfortable when shooting it and not have to worry whether or not the coach wants him to shoot it.

Who will take the shot?

It is extremely important to determine early in the practice season just who will be allowed to take the 3-point shot. During the first week or so of practice it is a good idea to let most of your players shoot the shot in practice drills so that you can chart results and use accurate statistics in deciding just who will be allowed to take the 3-point shot.
A word of caution. Most of your players will think they are 3 point shooters. They will begin practicing the shot on their own and neglect practice on other shooting essentials. You must demand that they avoid practicing the shot if they are not going to be given the opportunity to shoot it in a game.
Never leave who will take the shot up to the players. Determine it yourself with the use of accurate practice, and later, game statistics. Having accurate statistics to support you will add credence to your refusal to allow only certain individuals to take the shot.
As you make your decision as to who will shoot the shot, it is entirely probable that players will be given varying degrees of freedom. You may have one pure shooter on the team who you will give freedom to shoot at virtually any opportunity. You may also have one or two others players who you will allow to shoot the shot only when open, both feet planted, and with plenty of time.
Once you have decided when and who you will want to shoot the shot, you must encourage those players to look for the 3-point opportunity. Unless a player takes a very bad shot or at a time or situation during the game you had given instructions not to shoot it, you must avoid criticizing him for taking the shot and missing. Coaches who plan to be successful with the 3-point shot must encourage their designated players to shoot the shot, cheer them when they make it, and support them when they miss. This may require some adjustment in coaching philosophy for many coaches who have tended to curb outside shooters, but it is very difficult to be a good shooter when a player has to look over his shoulder at the coach.

Will you encourage post players to pass the ball back out?

Despite the use of the 3-point shot, most coaches will still emphasize getting the ball inside to good scoring post players. Once the ball gets inside, will you encourage the post player to pass it back outside to a 3-point shooter? As a general rule, if the post player is not double-teamed, he should go ahead and shoot the inside shot. Actually, a post player who can selectively pass the ball back outside to the right teammate will find that he will be double-teamed less often and that he will score easier when he gets the ball inside.

Players must know where the 3-point line is.

An important fundamental of offensive 3-point strategy is for players to "know where the 3-point line is", for it is actually a mistake for a player to shoot with a foot on the 3-point line. The extra inch or so closer to the basket a shooter is with his foot on the line is not worth losing the 3-point opportunity. In fact, it is questionable whether or not a player should shoot a shot within a foot inside of the 3-point line. The area from 18'9" to 19'9" in college basketball should become sort of a "no man's land" for a shooter.
It is important to point out that players must practice shooting behind the 3-point line so that they "naturally" know where the line is. Catching a pass and then having to look for the line could affect a shooter's concentration and reduce shooting proficiency.

Use a 3-point shooter as a decoy.

Coaches hate to give up the 3-point shot. Because of this they tend to constantly stress to their players to defensively attempt to stop the 3-point shooter. Therefore, the use of a good 3-point shooter as a decoy can achieve strategic offensive results. In both man and zone offensive patterns, encourage the good 3-point shooter to remain outside the 3-point line even though he may have little, if any, intention of shooting the ball. The defense will tend to stay out toward him and free up the middle for inside play. This decoy ploy has the effect of "stretching out the defense."

Penetration is effective weapon for a 3-point shooter.

A good offensive weapon that the 3-point shooter can use is to stay outside the 3-point line and, when he receives a pass, fake a shot to draw the defense, and then drive for the basket. This penetration can result in (a) the 3-point shooter passing off to inside players for easy baskets, or (b) passing back outside to another 3-point shooter for an easy attempt.
Penetration opportunities are available more when the defense "stretches out" to stop 3-point shooters. Therefore, 3-point shooters should spend practice time working on their penetrating ability to increase their total offensive ability. The player who can shoot the 3-point shot successfully and when closely guarded can penetrate without making mistakes is extremely difficult to guard.

Techniques for getting the 3-point shot.

There are a number of offensive techniques that a coach can include in his offensive play patterns to obtain a good 3-point shot:
1. Create Triangles
2. Penetrate And Pitch
3. Single Screens
4. Double Screens
5. Staggered Screens
6. Ball Movement Inside-Out
7. Skip Pass
8. Rear Screen And Step Out
9. Throw Back To Screener
10. Transition

Barcelona win the final:Champions League 2009

Cameroon international Eto'o struck after ten minutes and Messi added the second with a superb header 20 minutes from time.

United can have no complaints as they failed to find their usual fluency and defended hesitantly with many of their key performers well below-par.

Barcelona lifted the trophy for the third time in their history and matched United's own treble in 1999 as Pep Guardiola's men added Europe's premier competition to domestic League and Cup success.

The Catalan club scored with their first real attack after United started in electric fashion.

Andres Iniesta got past Anderson too easily and found Eto'o who cut inside Nemanja Vidic and toe poked the ball under Edwin van der Sar from close range.

Until then it had been all United.

After just two minutes Cristiano Ronaldo's 30-yard effort bounced viciously in front of Victor Valdes who spilled the effort and it required a superb block by former United defender Gerard Pique to deny Park Ji-sung a tap-in.

The Portuguese then volleyed just wide from 16 yards before United fell behind with Serb Vidic, named Barclays player of the year earlier in the day, culpable with a lackluster challenge.

Ronaldo looked to get his side back on terms and his run through on goal was ended by a Pique block for which he received a yellow card.

But Barca then began to boss the game and Messi came to the fore with a scorching drive just missing the top corner, with Van der Sar beaten, before Xavi curled a free-kick just over the top.

It was the 11th effort on goal in a frenetic opening half-hour.

United had an escape on the brink of half-time when Van der Sar spilled a low cross from Messi but there was no-one at the near post to capitalise and Sir Alex Ferguson gambled at the interval by replacing the ineffective Anderson with Carlos Tevez.

But Barca relished the extra space in midfield and twice came close to extending their advantage within the space of four minutes.

Iniesta sent Thierry Henry away down the left, in a big hole vacated by John O'Shea, and he turned Rio Ferdinand inside out before seeing his shot saved by the legs of Van der Sar.

Then a surging run from man-of-the-match Iniesta was ended a yard outside the penalty area by Vidic and Xavi curled the resulting free-kick around the wall and against the post.

United did regroup however and Ronaldo swung in a cross from the right which Yaya Toure completely missed only for the ball to bounce off the hard pitch and over the head of the unmarked Park six yards out.

Park was then replaced by Dimitar Berbatov as Ferguson threw caution to the wind with a 4-2-4 formation only to concede a second.

Patrice Evra hooked his clearance aimlessly to Xavi who picked out an unmarked Messi and the little Argentine climbed high to guide the ball past Van der Sar and into the far corner for his first goal against an English club.

United should have pulled a goal back almost immediately as the ball fell to Ronaldo at the far post only for Valdes to smother his shot.

Paul Scholes replaced Giggs and he was booked along with Ronaldo as United chased the game with the Premier League champions almost conceding a third when Carles Puyol's thumping header was saved by Van der Sar before the advancing Dutchman saved a shot from the Barca captain after the best move of the match.

Berbatov headed over from close range late on but there was no way back for United who failed in their bid to become the first team since Milan in 1990 to retain the European crown.

Victory for Barca also ended United's record 25-match unbeaten run in the competition and inflicted a first defeat in a European final on the Old Trafford club.

About UEFA Champions League

The UEFA Champions League (usually referred to as simply the Champions League or less frequently as the European Cup) is an annual football cup competition organised by UEFA since 1955 for the top football clubs in Europe. It is the most prestigious club trophy in European football.

Prior to 1992 the tournament was officially called the European Champion Clubs' Cup but was usually referred to as simply the European Cup or European Champions' Cup. The competition was initially a straight knockout competition open only to the champion club of each country. During the 1990s the tournament began to be expanded, incorporating a round-robin group phase and more teams. Europe's strongest national leagues now provide up to four teams each for the competition. The UEFA Champions League is not to be confused with the UEFA Cup.

The tournament consists of several stages. In the present format it begins in mid-July with three knockout qualifying rounds. The 16 surviving teams join 16 seeded teams in the group stage, in which there are eight groups consisting of four teams each. The eight group winners and eight runners-up enter the final knockout phase, which ends with the final match in May.

The title has been won by 21 different clubs, 12 of which have won the title more than once. The all-time record-holder is Real Madrid, who have won the competition nine times, including the first five seasons it was contested. Barcelona are the current champions. Since the tournament changed name and structure in 1992, no club has managed consecutive wins.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

types of car racing

Auto racing (also known as automobile racing, motor racing or autosport) is a sport involving racing automobiles. It is one of the world's most popular spectator sports, it is also perhaps the most thoroughly commercialised.


The beginning
Auto racing began almost immediately after the construction of the first successful gas-fueled autos. In 1894, the first contest was organised by a Paris magazine, Le Petit Journal. The event, not a race, but a reliability test, was judged to select the car showing the best performance.

A year later, the first real race was staged, running from Paris to Bordeaux. It was won by Emile Levassor, who was however disqualified since he didn't drive in a required four-seater car.

City to city racing
With both automobile construction and racing dominated by France, the French automobile club, the ACF, staged a number of major international races, usually from or to Paris, connecting with another major city in Europe or France.

These races, very successful, came to a stop in 1903, when 8 fatalities among drivers and spectators caused the French government to forbid open-road racing.

(much more on this)

The Gordon Bennett Trophy

The 1930s
The 1930's perhaps started the radical differentiation of racing vehicles from high-priced road cars, with Auto Union and Mercedes-Benz constructing massively-powerful, streamlined vehicles that produced up to 450 kilowatts with the aid of multiple superchargers, and weighed less than 750 kilograms (the maximum weight permitted, in a rule diametrically opposed to current racing regulations). Extensive use of aluminium alloys was required to reach the light weight, and in the case of the Mercedes, the paint was removed to squeeze the vehicle under the weight limit.

Nowadays, there are many categories of auto racing. A classification:

Single-seater racing
Single-seater racing is perhaps the most well-known category with the public. The cars are especially designed to race with, and therefore only have one seat. The wheels of the car are not covered, and the cars are often covered with wings in order to 'stick' the car to the ground, allowing for greater speeds.

Single-seater races take place on specially designed closed circuits. Many of the single-seater races in North America are conducted on so-called ovals.

The best known single-seater racing class is the Formula One, which involves an annual world championship. This championship attracts major international car manufacturers, making it also a technological battle. In North America, there are two classes, the ChampCars? and Indy Racing League, which have the same nature but are technologically more restricted.

There are are variety of other categories of such racing, from kart racing (a low-cost category using minimalistic vehicles on miniature tracks) up.

Rally racing
Rally racing, or rallying, is conducted with upgraded production cars on public roads or through nature. A rally is typically conducted in a number of stages, in which each of the entrants drives a course, which they have been allowed to scout earlier. Based on notes taken by the co-driver during this reconnaisance, the driver can attempt to use as little as time possible for the course. Competition is based on time, though lately some head-to-head stages have emerged.

The main rally championship is the World Rally Championship (WRC), but there also some regional championships, while most countries have their own national championships.

Famous rallies include the Monte Carlo Rally and the Rallye San Remo. Another famous rally-like event (actually a rally raid) is the Paris-Dakar Rally.

Touring car racing
Like rallying, touring car racing is done with (upgraded) production cars, but it is conducted on closed circuits. The format in which touring car races are conducted varies, but all cars drive at the same time against each other.
As of now, there is no big international championship in touring car racing. Most countries have their own national championships, the most prestigious being the British Touring Car Championship (BTCC), the Deutsche Tourenwagen Meisterschaft (DTM, German Touring Car Championship), and V8 Supercars in Australia.

Stock car racing
Stock car racing could be called the American variant on touring car racing. Usually conducted on ovals, the cars raced are superficially similar to production cars but are in fact purpose-built racing machines which are all very similar in construction (historical stock cars were much closer to production vehicles).

The main stock car racing series is the US NASCAR series. The most famous race in this series is the Daytona 500. Nascar also runs the Busch Series, a junior stock car league and the Craftsman Truck Series, a pickup truck race series.

Nascar also runs the Featherlite series of "modified" cars. The cars, as their name suggests are heavily modified from stock form. With powerful engines, large tires, and light open-wheel bodies Nascar's oldest series is arguably its most exciting one.

Drag racing
In drag racing, the objective is to complete a certain small distance, laid out of over a straight stretch of road, in the shortest possible time. The vehicles, often monstrously equipped with massive engines and wings, virtually explode upon the start signal. After completing the distance, usually in around 10 seconds, braking is done using parachutes.

Drag racing is often done in a head-to-head fashion, where two cars battle each other, the winner proceeding to the next round.

Drag racing is mostly popular in the United States.

Sports car racing
In sports car racing, production versions of sports cars and prototype cars compete with each other on closed circuits. The races are usually conducted over long distances, and cars are driven by teams of two or three drivers, switching every now and then. Due to the big difference between 'normal' sports cars and industrial prototypes, one race usually involves many racing classes.

Famous sports car races include the 24 hours of Le Mans and the 24 hours of Daytona.

Offroad racing
In offroad racing, various classes of specially modified vehicles, including cars, compete in races through off-road environments. In North America these reces often take place in the desert, for instance, the famous Baja 1000.

types of cricket

There are many types of cricket played in the modern day. Cricket is a game which is played between two teams, comprising of eleven players each. The teams have a few batsmen, a few bowlers and a wicketkeeper. The game is officiated by two on-field umpires and a match referee. Cricket matches are is played between international and national teams, and like most other sports, cricket is also a very well loved sport among the fans.

# County Cricket

# Beach Cricket

# Car Cricket

# Club Cricket

# First-Class Cricket

# French Cricket

# Indoor Cricket

# Kwik Cricket

# List A Cricket

# One-Day Cricket

# Short Form Cricket

# Test Cricket

# Twenty20 Cricket

# Women's Cricket

# Cricket For The Blind

Match Schedule Twenty20 World Cup 2009

Based on the performance in the first twenty20 World Cup - India have been awarded the easiest group along side Bangladesh and Ireland in this second Twenty20 world cup to be played in England in the month of June 2009.

12 teams are broken into group of 3 in first stage out of which - 2 teams will qualify for the second round where each team plays 3 more matches before qualifying for the semi-finals. .

World Cup twenty-twenty20 fixtures have a strange pattern where each qualifying team will play two teams which qualified at number 2 in their group whereas 1 match with winner of third group.. .

similarly - the team which qualifies 2nd in a group gets to play 2 matches against group winners & 1 match versus 2nd team of a group.

A 27 match tournament whose matches will be starting mainly at 2 different timings (5pm & 1.30pm according to UK timing) and to be played at only 3 stadiums across England.

Note that the final match will be played 2 hours earlier than usual night matches and Nottingham is the ground which is also known as Trent Bridge which is one of 3 venues in England hosting this cricket tournament.

Twenty20 World Cup 2009 : Match schedule and start timings
Dates Versus Venue Start Time
05 June England vs Netherlands Lords 5.30pm UK, 10pm India
06 June New Zealand vs Scotland The Oval 10am UK, 2.30pm India
06 June Australia vs West Indies The Oval 1.30pm UK, 6pm India
06 June India vs Bangladesh Trent Bridge 5.30pm UK, 10pm India
07 June South Africa vs Scotland The Oval 1.30pm UK, 6pm India
07 June England vs Pakistan The Oval 5.30pm UK, 10pm India
08 June Ireland vs Bangladesh Trent Bridge 1.30pm UK, 6pm India
08 June Australia vs Sri Lanka Trent Bridge 5.30pm UK, 10pm India
09 June Pakistan vs Netherlands Lords 1.30pm UK, 6pm India
09 June New Zealand vs South Africa Lords 5.30pm UK, 10pm India
10 June Sri Lanka vs West Indies Trent Bridge 1.30pm UK, 6pm India
10 June India vs Ireland Trent Bridge 5.30pm UK, 10pm India
11 June Group A2 vs Group D1 Trent Bridge 1.30pm UK, 6pm India
11 June Group B2 vs Group D2 Trent Bridge 5.30pm UK, 10pm India
12 June Group B1 vs Group C2 Lords 1.30pm UK, 6pm India
12 June Group A1 vs Group C1 Lords 5.30pm UK, 10pm India
13 June Group C1 vs Group D2 The Oval 1.30pm UK, 6pm India
13 June Group B1 vs Group D1 The Oval 5.30pm UK, 10pm India
14 June Group A2 vs Group C2 Lords 1.30pm UK, 6pm India
14 June Group A1 vs Group B2 Lords 5.30pm UK, 10pm India
15 June Group B2 vs Group C1 The Oval 1.30pm UK, 6pm India
15 June Group B1 vs Group A2 The Oval 5.30pm UK, 10pm India
16 June Group D1 vs Group C2 Trent Bridge 1.30pm UK, 6pm India
16 June Group D2 vs Group C2 Trent Bridge 5.30pm UK, 10pm India
18 June 1st Semi-final Trent Bridge 5.30pm UK, 10pm India
19 June 2nd Semi-final The Oval 5.30pm UK, 10pm India
21 June The Grand Final Lords 5.30pm UK, 10pm India

Group A = India, Bangladesh, Ireland
Group B = England, Pakistan, Netherlands
Group C = Australia, Srilanka, West Indies
Group D = New Zealand, South Africa, Scotland

T20 Vs One day cricket match

Wasn't I satisfied with the existing two formats of cricket, i.e test match cricket and one day Internationals....??

I guess my is yes. I didn't really feel the need of another form of cricket match. I was quite happy watching my team play ODI series, tournaments and then few test series in an year but then, I was born in 1982 which means that One day cricket came lot before I was born. It was natural for me to get adjusted with this format of cricket. I am sure whoever heard first about them, must have hated it but as the time passed on, cricket fans got adjusted and found interest in them as well... and surely they were more fast and exiting than test matches..!!

Now here comes even faster and more exiting cricket format - Twenty20. BCCI, on 16th July 2006, formally announced that twenty20 cricket will now be played in Domestic circuit - in League formats, in which state teams will play twenty20 matches atTwenty20IsFast.jpg home and away basis. This means that exiting cricket is coming very near to our home. How many times you went to watch a Ranji match, but I bet you will be going for twenty20 matches between the same two teams at your nearest cricket stadiums as Twenty20 is really fun to watch and quick enough to finish in the speculated free time that we normally get.... so, on a Sunday evening, if you don't get the tickets for the latest movie released, try a Twenty20 cricket match...

Let me pen down the basic difference between One day International (ODI) cricket matches and Twenty20 cricket matches, just to make sure you get adjusted to this new idea easily..

1) First and foremost, Twenty20 is a 20 overs each side cricket match. So, each bowler is allowed to bowl a maximum of 4 overs whereas in ODI's, which were of 50 overs per side, 10 overs were maximum for any bowler.

2) When first Twenty20 cricket were started in England, fielding restriction were applied for first 6 overs whereas it were 20 overs for a full 50 overs ODI. But there has been news that when Twenty20 will be played at an International level, fielding restrictions will be applied for full period... this rule is yet to be confirmed as Indian team is yet to play a twenty20 game themselves but one rule is confirmed - a fielding captain can't have more than 5 fielders on the leg side at any moment of that twenty20 match.

3) The Time out Rule - usually, 3 minutes are given to a new batsmen to come to the wicket after a fall of wicket, but in Twenty20, this rule is changed to 1 minute and 30 seconds. Even the interval time for the break of innings is limited to just 15 minutes.

4) In ODI cricket, a no ball costs the fielding side 1 run and also the runs scored by the batsmen off that illegal ball... but in Twenty20 cricket matches, 2 runs are awarded to the batting side for a "foot no ball" bowled by their bowler. And also a free hit off the next delivery..

What is this free hit in Twenty20 cricket matches - well, a free hit means that the batsman can't be out off the next ball that that bowler bowls after he had bowled a foot no ball previously. This means that the batsman can slog anywhere and anyhow he wants, without the fear of being getting out, as he can't get out off that ball. BUT MIND YOU, he can be run out alright.

5) In ODI cricket, penalties were given to the teams who fails to bowl their quota of overs in the speculated time but in TWenty20 cricket rules, penalties are there for the team who bowls their overs quickly as well. Each team is given one hour and 15 minutes = 75 minutes to bowl their 20 overs. Which means 3.75 minutes for each over. Teams will be penalized if they fail to bowl at that rate, and also penalized if they go faster than that.... what a bizarre rule but its true friend..!!

6) Bouncers - Now here is no difference between one day internationals and Twenty20 cricket matches. Each bowler is allowed one bouncer each over.

7) If the match ends with the scores tied and there must be a winner, the tie is broken with a bowl out which means that five bowlers from each side bowling 2 balls at an unguarded wicket, very similar to what penalty shootouts in Football is. If the number of wickets is equal after the first 10 balls per side, the bowling continues and is decided by sudden death, which means that whichever teams bowler misses the wicket first, his team looses..!!

Although I have tried to include all the necessary difference between ODI and TWenty20 cricket matches, if you still have some doubts, I suggest you leave a question at and we are here to answer your query...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tips for to improve your shooting range

The shooting games were originally meant for the hunters to develop their skills. These shooting games have obtained international recognition and they are encouraged by the sports' associations. A great deal of co-ordination and discipline is needed for shooting. Shooting sports improves the confidence of the physically deprived people. The shooting game tests a player's skill in marksmanship and strategy. The rifle should be serviced regularly and the players should be thorough about the mechanical handling characteristics of the gun. Shooting sports like target shooting, skeet shooting, trap shooting and long range shooting requires a lot of practice. Pool shooting is a relaxing game and it could be fun when there is intense competition.

Safety Rules

The following safety rules have to be followed in target shooting:

* The muzzle of the gun should be monitored all the time. It should be ensured that the muzzle of the gun does not point at the fellow shooters or the guide.
* The gun should be loaded by the players only when it is their turn to shoot.
* The players should not only be sure of the target but also what is beyond it.
* It should be ensured that the barrel is clear of obstructions before shooting.
* Shooting glasses are essential for the players as they are exposed to the risk of target fragments falling on them.
* The players are also advised to use ear plugs in order to safeguard themselves against the loud noise.
* The gun should be returned to the vehicle when the players visit colleagues in the range.

Trap Shooting

Trap shooting is a game where a flying clay target is fired at with a shot gun. It is similar to golf except for the fact that a shotgun is used here instead of a club. Trap is considered to be an exciting and a challenging game. Trap shooting game is still considered to be a hidden sport though many people compete in trap sporting events. The myth that shooting trap only caters to the rich is being slowly expelled as ordinary people have also shown an interest in these games.

The three popular trap events are the singles, the handicaps and the doubles. The single event takes place when a single bird is shot at a close distance. Handicaps is shot at various distances depending on a person's ability. Two birds are launched simultaneously in the case of doubles. Doubles are enjoyable. The players have to hold two shells if they are shooting doubles.

Trap shooting is almost similar to rifle shooting with a shot gun. Proper gun fit is indeed very essential for trap. It is essential to identify the angle of the target and the gun should be exactly pointed at the place where the eyes are set. The gun should be raised to the level of the face and the shoulder to see if it fits. The Olympic trap has a different set of rules and layout so as to make the game more challenging. Trap shooting is widely recognized as a money spinning game though many shooters are interested in having some fun.

Skeet Shooting

The objective of skeet shooting is to shoot as many clay targets as possible with the minimum number of shots. The clay pigeons emerge from the trap as the shooter aims for them. The targets fly at 40 miles per hour in the case of skeet shooting. Skeet has a high house and a low house with traps inside. The field has seven stations arranged in a half circle and the eight station is positioned between the two houses. A squad comprises five shooters and a shooter first fires from one station before moving to the other station. A 12 gauge or a 20 gauge shot gun is recommended for the skeet shooting sport. The double-barrel and a single-barrel semi-automatic are the two most commonly used shot guns. Each shooter fires 8 different shots from their various positions on the skeet range. If 24 birds are successfully hit, the last shot would come from the middle position. The target for the last shot would come from the low house and it is considered very difficult to complete a perfect round.

This game is similar to trap. This game was developed and popularized by the trap shooters who desired a challenging game. Skeet shooting requires a shotgun which is capable of firing two shots very quickly. Shooters always opt for a double barreled shotgun while playing sleet. Skeet does not need any athletic finesse.

Long Range Shooting

Long range shooting requires a great deal of technical expertise. A good equipment is necessary for long-range shooting. Rifles with high velocity and match grade barrels are needed for long range shooting. The shooters have to decide if they are willing to use muzzle brakes. Muzzle brakes affect accuracy and they require ear protection. The shooters also require hand loads to get adequate long range accuracy.

Practice enables the shooter to get accuracy at long distances. The range finder is an essential equipment for long range shooting. The optical range finders are no longer available in the market. They are heavy to use. A quality bullet is necessary for long range shooting. The bullets should have high ballistic coefficient with a high velocity. A long range shooter relies on his optical equipment in order to place his target. The optical equipment also helps in determining the distance of the target. Spotting scopes and binoculars help a great deal in locating the target. The laser range finders assist in determining the distance of the target. The laser range finders enables the shooters to maintain a consistency. The rifle scope is utilized for precise shot placement. It should be remembered that the computer trajectory shots do not exactly provide accurate information. The shooters should be aware of the limitations of their rifles and ammunitions before attempting long range shooting.